Cape Town, Oxidane, the water treatment product, company

About Oxidane Cape Town


What is normal to some, is a privilege or even a pipedream to many others. Water is a good example. Whilst 71% of the global population (5.3 billion people) have access to safe drinking water, whether on their premises or not, some 785 million men, women and children rely on unsafe sources, including surface water. This water is often contaminated with animal and human faecal matter, resulting in a variety of potentially fatal diseases. Diarrhoea alone kills 485 000 people per year, children under five from Africa being most vulnerable.


Besides good sanitation, these deaths are preventable with safe water. This is where we want to come in.

Oxidane (Pty) Ltd is a South African company that intends to play an active role in improving people’s access to safe drinking water. With this, we are supporting the targets outlined in the 6th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), including the quest to:

  • Achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all by 2030
  • Improve water quality by reducing pollution; eliminating the dumping and release of hazardous chemicals and materials in water resources; halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and increasing the recycling and safe reuse of wastewater globally.
  • Expand international cooperation and capacity-building support to developing countries (e.g. water harvesting, desalination, water efficiency, wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse technologies).
  • Achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation – paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations
Oxidane, ONCE, water treatment, Cape Town


Maureen Broddy (co-founder, CEO)
Maureen is a true Jill-of-All-Trades and a Master of All. Besides being a motivational speaker and longstanding health and wellness consultant who wrote four books, she operated her private school and ran a clothing factory for over 21 years, employing 32 staff. Water has always interested her, particularly the fact that so many people have to do without clean drinking water. “How can it be that in this day and age millions of children still die after drinking dirty water? Clean drinking water should be a no-brainer and a human right, for all.”

Grant Davis (Technical Director)
As an independent analytical chemist, Grant has worked for the South African Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS). His focus has always predominantly been on water quality, water purification and water contamination. As the issue of water is close to his heart, he didn’t hesitate to come on board. “When Maureen asked if I could help her make a unique and ozone and chlorine-free water treatment product that would meet the standards of the World Health Organization, I directly accepted.”

Bettina Genthe (Scientific Advisor, Director)
Bettina holds a Masters’ degree in microbiology from the University of the Witwatersrand and has over 35 years in the fields of environmental epidemiology, drinking water treatment, wastewater reuse, water pollution microbiology, and human health risk assessments. She has been a temporary advisor to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and worked at the CSIR’s as one of their water quality researchers.

Mark Boddy (Manufacturing and Marketing)
Mark has 25 years worth of experience in marketing and sales, and he is an entrepreneur too. He owns and runs three factories in Cape Town that collectively employ approximately 23 people. He came on board as the manufacturer of ONCE, a product which he describes as a game-changer. “Those of us who have clean running water inside our home often forget how privileged we are. ONCE can change and save the lives of millions of people, particularly in Africa.”

Oxidane, ONCE, water treatment, Cape Town